#02: Nikolaus Gansterer

Do druhého čísla časopisu X prispel svojimi kresbami rakúsky autor  Nikolaus Ganstererktorý vo svojej tvorbe primárne skúma vzťah kresby a myslenia, čo je aj hlavnou témou druhého čísla. Zaujíma ho proces transformácie myslenia do média kresby, pracuje nielen s kresbou, ale i s presahmi do iných médií ako video, inštalácia či performance. Ganstererove kresby pripomínajú grafy, vedecké ilustrácie, často prerastajú do priestoru. Popri výtvarnej činnosti sú podstatné i jeho publikačné aktivity. Vydal antológiu textov Drawing a Hypothesis, ktorá je zostavená z esejí viacerých autorov z rôznych oblastí od umenia až po rozličné vedecké odbory.Podnetom, na ktorý mali autori reagovať, bola Ganstererova kresba. Autor použil svoje kresby ako katalyzátory pre vznik nových rozprávaní a ideí o rôznych formách vizualizácie myslenia.

Thinking-Matters-Lecture D

3 Figures of Thought

The second edition of the X Magazine will familiarize us with the artwork by an Austrian artist Nikolaus Gansterer, who in his drawings primarily explores the correlation between thinking and drawing, what is actually the theme of our second issue. He is interested in the process of transforming thoughts into drawing media. He works not only with drawings themselves, but also with other media such as video, installation and performance. Gansterer’s drawings resemble graphs, scientific illustrations and they often exceed into space. In addition to his artistic work, the important part of his activities is publishing. He published the ontology of forms of visualization under the title Drawing a Hypothesis, which is composed of several essays by authors from different areas: from arts to various scientific fields. An impulse to which the authors were supposed to respond was a Gansterer’s drawing. Author’s drawings enable the emergence of new narratives and ideas about different forms of thinking visualization.

Drawing a Hypothesis

Nikolaus Gansterer

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