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Lucia Dovičáková, Untitled, 2012 |
Ďalšou slovenskou autorkou v treťoštvrtom čísle X je Lucia Dovičáková (1981) s jej novými kresbami. Jej kresba Babyblues (jedna z dvoch v X!) bola vybratá ako Dielo týždňa - dočítate sa tam okrem iného o tom, prečo začala s kresbou a čo pre ňu kresba znamená. Vo svojich maľbách, kresbách a akvareloch narába s banálnymi a každodennými situáciami v živote ženy, ktoré posúva do nevšedných podôb. Jej výtvarný jazyk je jasný a výstižný, jej výpovede úprimné, kritické a iritujúce. Pre časopis poskytla úplne najnovšie kresby zo série pri ktorej vychádza so svojej čerstvej skúsenosti s tehotenstvom a materstvom. V jej prácach sa tak objavuje ďalšia podoba ženy tentokrát v úlohe matky. Momentálne prebieha skupinová výstava In the Name of Love v bratislavskej Galérii Krokus , kde Lucia vystavuje okrem iných aj kresby uverejnené v X. Srdečne pozývame!
Gabriela Kisová, riaditeľka a kurátorka Galérie Krokus, 2011:
Gabriela Kisová, riaditeľka a kurátorka Galérie Krokus, 2011:
"Autorka je ostrou pozorovateľkou každodenných, okrajových a zdanlivo banálnych tém ženského bytia, ktorých banalita je v jej maliarskom podaní provokujúca a ironizujúca. Obsah jej obrazov pritom korešponduje s výrazným štýlom, s afinitou k naivnému, „neakademickému“ prejavu, ktorému nechýba poriadna dávka individuality a recesie."
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Lucia Dovičáková, zo série kuchynsko-hudobných etúd, 2013 |
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Lucia Dovičáková, O chvíľu je tu obed, 2013 |
Another author from Slovakia whose new drawings appears in the third/fourth edition of X is Lucia Dovičáková
(1981). Her drawing Babyblues (one of two published in X!) was selected as the Artwork of the Week – besides other interesting information you can read about what led her to start to draw and what it means to her. Her paintings, drawings and watercolor works reflect banal and everyday situations in a woman’s life and the author brings them into unusual forms. Her language of art is clear and concise; her testimonies are frank, critical and irritating. In our magazine, you can find Lucia‘s latest drawings from a series in which she comes out with her recent experience of pregnancy and maternity. Her works reveal a different face of a woman, this time in the role of a mother. The exhibition In the Name of Love in Krokus Gallery in Bratislava Lucia presents, among others, her drawings that appears in X.
"Already during her studies at the Faculty of Arts at the Technical university in Košice, Dovičáková was emerging as a hopeful talent of contemporary Slovak visual art. The candidness and authenticity of her work springs from the fact that she suffers no lack of boldness and directness, her works are daring and bizarre, on the border of good taste, but they leave few people indifferent. Even if they are not admired, they provoke a comment. The accidence of her paintings, works on paper and videos can be perceived in context of the direction named bad painting by the art history. The author first of all wants to depict a story, an atmosphere, and confronts the viewer with the pictured point. However, her visual language also refers to an attitude towards the medium of painting itself. Dovičáková seeks full-bodied painting rich in emotion, and in order to achieve her goal, she doesn't hesitate to balance on the border of kitsch, she uses hyperboles, and her works are often close to naïve art, caricature or book illustration. She does not resort aestheticism, but she bravely takes risks, when no more than her personal and very autobiographic artistic program is at stake."
Gabriela Kisová, 2011
(1981). Her drawing Babyblues (one of two published in X!) was selected as the Artwork of the Week – besides other interesting information you can read about what led her to start to draw and what it means to her. Her paintings, drawings and watercolor works reflect banal and everyday situations in a woman’s life and the author brings them into unusual forms. Her language of art is clear and concise; her testimonies are frank, critical and irritating. In our magazine, you can find Lucia‘s latest drawings from a series in which she comes out with her recent experience of pregnancy and maternity. Her works reveal a different face of a woman, this time in the role of a mother. The exhibition In the Name of Love in Krokus Gallery in Bratislava Lucia presents, among others, her drawings that appears in X.
"Already during her studies at the Faculty of Arts at the Technical university in Košice, Dovičáková was emerging as a hopeful talent of contemporary Slovak visual art. The candidness and authenticity of her work springs from the fact that she suffers no lack of boldness and directness, her works are daring and bizarre, on the border of good taste, but they leave few people indifferent. Even if they are not admired, they provoke a comment. The accidence of her paintings, works on paper and videos can be perceived in context of the direction named bad painting by the art history. The author first of all wants to depict a story, an atmosphere, and confronts the viewer with the pictured point. However, her visual language also refers to an attitude towards the medium of painting itself. Dovičáková seeks full-bodied painting rich in emotion, and in order to achieve her goal, she doesn't hesitate to balance on the border of kitsch, she uses hyperboles, and her works are often close to naïve art, caricature or book illustration. She does not resort aestheticism, but she bravely takes risks, when no more than her personal and very autobiographic artistic program is at stake."
Gabriela Kisová, 2011
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