Novovzniknutá platforma dokáže v spolupráci s autormi flexibilne prispôsobiť veľkosť, techniku tlače a vlastnú koncepciu prác, dokonca umožňuje "vystaviť" originály.
Cena časopisu je 12,50€ a zakúpiť si ho môžete v kníhkupectve Ex Libris v SNG v Bratislave.
(na ďalších predajných miestach pracujeme)
Magazine X is out! First topic "View onto drawing" is trying to grasp drawing from many sources to provide an introduction to the topic in the form of essays and provides space for reproductions of drawings by contemporary artists. Newly created platform can, in cooperation with the artists flexibly adjust the size or printing technology.
Magazine is priced at € 12,50 and you can buy it at a bookstore ExLibris in the building of Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava.
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