ktorý/á má záujem o dianie v oblasti súčasnej kresby, je organizačný typ, spoľahlivý/á, má dobrú znalosť angličtiny a skúsenosti s písaním grantov. Svoje CV a pár slov o tom, prečo X nám posielajte na x.k.r.e.s.b.a@gmail.com.
who has passion for contemporary drawing, is responsible and reliable organizational type, has good level of english and has experiences with writing grants. Your CV plus some words explaining why X please send to x.k.r.e.s.b.a@gmail.com.
who has passion for contemporary drawing, is responsible and reliable organizational type, has good level of english and has experiences with writing grants. Your CV plus some words explaining why X please send to x.k.r.e.s.b.a@gmail.com.
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